Pedestrian Streets – Electricity of the Soroni’s Municipal Roads
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The cohesive web of the old traditional settlement of the municipality of Soroni, Rhodes, with a total area of 12,000 m2, was paved with irregular coarse slabs after all the infrastructure networks had been installed. Traditional piles with...
Read moreTechnical Structure in Karydia, Pastida
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The old technical structure was removed and new space was made for the new structure. The new sewer has internal dimensions of 5.00 m in width, 6.00 m high. and was made of C20/25 concrete reinforced with B500C...
Read moreBridge at the ”Fonias” Stream
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The new bridge was constructed in the same position as the old one, so that the upper surface of the road has a perfect fit with the existing road. The net length of each side is 12.05 m...
Read moreKipirionas Bridge
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The new bridge was constructed in the same position as the old one, so that the upper surface of the pavement has a perfect fit with the road of the existing road. The net length of each opening...
Read moreAfandou Highway Bridge
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The new pre-stretched bridge will be constructed in the same horizontal position as the pre-existing, with a total opening of 99.0 m. The total width of the superstructure carrier has been set at 13.50 m outside the widening...
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